In a continuation of the post from yesterday, in which I discussed the badassery of Seth Godin, this post is devoted to Kevin Kelly and his essay entitled ‘1000 True Fans’.  These guys have kept me inspired, and I hope they can do the same for you.

Seth Godin’s approach (writing what inspires you every day but making it shareable) has changed the way I look at blogging.

Since I have adopted his strategy, I have started writing much more, about things that I wouldn’t have written about before.  And I have looked forward to it every time.

I wrote two 700+ word posts this morning, no sweat.  I don’t feel so apprehensive about posting or what people might think, and I haven’t been deterred from writing by single or double-digit clicks and views.

Because they are growing.  Slowly, but surely my readership is growing.

I’m a sponge for ideas these days, but another great concept that really struck a chord with me was Kevin Kelly’s concept of ‘1000 True Fans’.

How Kevin Kelly Has Changed the Way I View Blogging

Kevin Kelly, who Tim Ferriss calls ‘the Most Interesting Man in the World’, has genuinely changed my perception of success.  I just wanted to share it with you, too.

The main point of this essay is this:

Rather than trying climb the shit heap to get to the top 1% of content producers to become a mega-famous millionaire, focusing on creating a real relationship with 1000 true fans will be sufficient to be happy and sustained as a creator.

Since I have embraced this idea, I’ve gotten really fired up.

  • I’ve gotten in better shape so I can ‘walk the walk’.
  • I’ve started writing in my own voice instead of someone else’s.
  • I’ve started REALLY educating myself instead of just dwelling on stagnant information that I started learning 5+ years ago.

Kelly defines a “True Fan” as someone who will go out of their way to share your ideas, to buy what you produce, and to carry on the message that you are trying to put into the world.

With 1000 True Fans, you can sustain whatever you want to do organically.  It’s not an unmanageable task– it’s simple math.

This has become my goal for this blog.  I don’t like being the center of attention, but I DO genuinely seek to help people in the ways that I know how.

So, if you’re starting a blog and you need some advice from someone who loves it but has just started scratching the surface, please sign up in the prompt below to follow me.  It’s been fun so far, and I’m not planning on slowing down any time soon.

And if you’re curious about the work of either Kevin Kelly or Seth Godin, I highly encourage you to seek them out online.  You can read the full text of 1000 True Fans here, and you can subscribe to Seth Godin’s blog here.  In the meantime, check out this little clip to get a quick rundown of the bullet points I may have missed about the awesomeness of Kelly’s essay:

